Tuesday, August 18, 2015

thoughts and things

Everyone that knows me pretty well, knows how much I hate change.I'm a pretty routine person and I like that.well there is a lot of changes happening at work right now and its stressing me out pretty bad.I'm trying to be OK with it and just deal with it but its very hard for me.I guess I'm going to have to put on my big girl panties and deal with it, or start looking for another job.

I've been thinking a lot about my sweet Koda lately and the fall I took two months ago.I'm not going to lie,I'm quite nervous to get on her again.I'm totally freaked out she is going to bolt and buck me off again and this time I will be hurt even worse..I've talked to the trainer were she will be going for training next month about it, and she told me its perfectly normal for me to feel this way.I've caught myself thinking that mabe I'm in over my head taking on a three Yr old,and maybe I should sell her and get an older already broke horse.it doesnt take long for me to talk myself out of selling her though.she's my girl ,and I couldn't imagine my life withought her now.

Well its late and I've gotten these things off of my chest so its time for me to end this here.Tomorrow is a new day and I'll ride with my girlfriends, and take care of my horses before I have to go to a job that is sucking the life and joy out of my soul. I really miss my Emsters tonight  :(

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