Friday, November 26, 2010

calories dont count on Thanksgiving right?

We had an awesome Thanksgiving yesterday. Huneys Cousins came, and his brother and Uncle as well. We ate so much, Im still full!!

Huneu deep fried a turkey, and yes our house is still standing. I love it that way. I dont think well ever go back to the old traditional way of doing a turkey. It only takes an hour when you deep fry it! For Real!

Of course with all that lovely food comes carnage...Thats going to be a lovely turkey soup by the way......

And after the carnage comes the delightful chore of.... Dishes...I just now got my kitchen back together today. I did 4 loads in the dishwasher I think...Joy! I still have one in there right now!

This wasnt even all the dishes. People were still eating, and then like an hour later we had pie!

My child is a goofball. and shortly after this was taken escaped the dishes masacre and headed to her friends house to spend the night. Shes still there, so I should probably call and see when shes coming home.

A few of the boys hanging out and paying the x-box. They have a PS3 so we are constantly going rounds about who has the best

I went and rode Grand this afternoon. I made the mistake of taking the flash off of her bridle and she was an absolute brat. You can bet its going back on her bridle tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow morning so Im going to try to make the time to ride at some point.

Huneys going to bring the Chrsitmas stuff in soon so Im going to run the vaccum and get ready to put the tree up. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Remember... alories dont count on Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Im cold

I have been cold since Saturday when I had to work in the rain all morning.Im not complaining though because it was just me and s.n.c and the horses all morning. It was very very peaceful, and we got a lot done.Huney just turned on the furnace for the first time since last winter and you can smell the dust in the air.Hopefully It will take the chill out of the air soon!

I have Nothing done for Thursday. I havent done any of the shopping and I have to work every day this week. WOOPS!Oh well. I will get it done somehow. Probably tomorrow night when I get off work at 9 or so.Wednesday when I get home from work I will get the house clean so thats out of the way...

My lovely friend Judy lent me a book tonight that I am dying to read. I am tired so I will shower and then climb into bed with it. Since I am glutten for punishment, I will pick up the lovely Stephen King novel she lent me instead of Coal Miners daughter..

Friday, November 19, 2010

And the dork award goes to....

Yep.That would be me....So I do the supplements 4 out of the 6 days at work for most of the horses.That means they get certain meds to help with there joints, digestion and soon and so on.I get there an hour earlier than everyone else because I have to bring certain horses in and then give them there supplements.I dont mind being there so early. Its rather peaceful.
On wednesday morning I was crusin along, trying to get caught up on my week because of the lack of delivery on my feed.On wednesdays I dont teach, Im just there to do the feeding and like this past wednesday, get caught up if I need to.
So I had my coffee sitting on the table with my meds and stuff, and I (here comes the dork in me) not thinking put Ponchos pill on top of my coffee cup so I wouldnt lose it until I was ready for it.I failed to notice that my cofee cup has a slant to it on the lid.Doot dah doot dah dooo... Im going along making my supplements and when I was ready to put ponchos pill in I couldnt find it. Guess where It was??!!Yep. It rolled right down into my coffee and not noticing, I drank it.I was wondering where the heck that stoopid little pill went to.
Needless to say I have been ill for the last two days.Yesterday I barely got off of the couch.So the dork award goes to me!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On being a grown up....

I didnt ride today Like I had planned. Instead I came home and started on my much neglected house chores. Job one, laundry. Emily has done a laundry dump on me that has been at least a week long.I am down to the last 3 loads!I have one in the washer, 1 in the dryer and 1 still in a basket on the floor.

Next up on my chore list is to get my floors done.I know I sound very enthusiatic but trust me,Im feeling very lazy right now. Will It get done? I hope so.Who knows though.I do love the way my house smells after I have mopped so thats a good insentive to get it done.I love the lavender vanilla febreeze scent that my floor soap has.

It is my plan to ride tomorrow, so today I need to get things done.I have shark week on the Netflix and the kitties are "trying" to help me fold.Tonight we should have a new Hells Kitchen in our Zune! Yep.... Thats the life when you dont have cabel or any type of Tv channels, but thats the way we like it. Im out!

Friday, November 12, 2010

cloud Nine!

My morning started at 8 when My alarm went off and I went to the barn for our clinic/lesson.I wasnt due to ride until 11:30, but my friends were riding before me and I wanted to watch them and take pics and videos for them. I made sure to stop at the grocery on my way to the barn for an eggnog Lattee(Yum!) and extra batteries. I have been known to have my batteries die on me on occasions like this. Me thinks Its time for a new camera too....

I decided to wear my spurs after all and Im glad I did because Grand was kind of lazy at first.Just to be clear, I dont over use my spurs and totally Jab her hard in her sides like you see cowboys in the old westerns do.That is not acceptable.She wouldnt like me very well either if I did that and I might have ended up on the ground or in a tree!

We had a wonderful lesson and I am so glad because I dont do well normally when it comes to doing things like this in front of people.Im so glad my friends Sandy and Jeanie talked me into it!It was so much fun and I learned so much!

After a great lesson and then after teaching the rest of the afternoon at REINS,I had to go to work at the cafe for a few hours to hostess.I was secretly hoping that they would call me and tell me not to come in tonight but *sigh* It didnt happen and I had to go to work.

The house is very quiet right now . Em is spending the night with her friend J and miss Judy with a fun filled trip to legoland planned for tomorrow for J's birthday.I am so thankful I have such wonderful friends that love my daughter and enjoy spending time with her.Thnks Judy! Love yah!

I am so tired that I htink I need to end this babbling and mabe think about turning off the spongebob noise behind me and heading for the shower sometime soon.It has been a wonderful and tiring day.......

Thursday, November 11, 2010

to spur or not to spur, that is the question

 Tomorrow we have a lesson with an awesome Dressage coach. Im so nervouse! Its actually a benifit for REINS and 10$ of the 40$ lesson fee goes back to REINS.I hope Grand behaves herself.We had a lesson with SNC yesterday and she was pretty good. We are learning to work through some things that if you dont ride you wont understand, or be interested in.

 Emily is sitting on the floor folding a basket of her laundry. The kitties are ruthless! They think that all the warm clothes that come out of the dryer belong to them, and they are entitled to them no matter what. Good Luck Emsters!

 The baby girl kitty has decided that whenever I am on the computer she has to be up here too and sitting where she is "helping".

 Trying to find the will to write again. I have 2 blogs and Its hard to keep up with them both.*sigh* I will post a video and or pictures of our lesson tomorrow if I have the energy after riding and working two jobs. Nite all!