Thursday, November 11, 2010

to spur or not to spur, that is the question

 Tomorrow we have a lesson with an awesome Dressage coach. Im so nervouse! Its actually a benifit for REINS and 10$ of the 40$ lesson fee goes back to REINS.I hope Grand behaves herself.We had a lesson with SNC yesterday and she was pretty good. We are learning to work through some things that if you dont ride you wont understand, or be interested in.

 Emily is sitting on the floor folding a basket of her laundry. The kitties are ruthless! They think that all the warm clothes that come out of the dryer belong to them, and they are entitled to them no matter what. Good Luck Emsters!

 The baby girl kitty has decided that whenever I am on the computer she has to be up here too and sitting where she is "helping".

 Trying to find the will to write again. I have 2 blogs and Its hard to keep up with them both.*sigh* I will post a video and or pictures of our lesson tomorrow if I have the energy after riding and working two jobs. Nite all!





















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