Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On being a grown up....

I didnt ride today Like I had planned. Instead I came home and started on my much neglected house chores. Job one, laundry. Emily has done a laundry dump on me that has been at least a week long.I am down to the last 3 loads!I have one in the washer, 1 in the dryer and 1 still in a basket on the floor.

Next up on my chore list is to get my floors done.I know I sound very enthusiatic but trust me,Im feeling very lazy right now. Will It get done? I hope so.Who knows though.I do love the way my house smells after I have mopped so thats a good insentive to get it done.I love the lavender vanilla febreeze scent that my floor soap has.

It is my plan to ride tomorrow, so today I need to get things done.I have shark week on the Netflix and the kitties are "trying" to help me fold.Tonight we should have a new Hells Kitchen in our Zune! Yep.... Thats the life when you dont have cabel or any type of Tv channels, but thats the way we like it. Im out!

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