Friday, November 26, 2010

calories dont count on Thanksgiving right?

We had an awesome Thanksgiving yesterday. Huneys Cousins came, and his brother and Uncle as well. We ate so much, Im still full!!

Huneu deep fried a turkey, and yes our house is still standing. I love it that way. I dont think well ever go back to the old traditional way of doing a turkey. It only takes an hour when you deep fry it! For Real!

Of course with all that lovely food comes carnage...Thats going to be a lovely turkey soup by the way......

And after the carnage comes the delightful chore of.... Dishes...I just now got my kitchen back together today. I did 4 loads in the dishwasher I think...Joy! I still have one in there right now!

This wasnt even all the dishes. People were still eating, and then like an hour later we had pie!

My child is a goofball. and shortly after this was taken escaped the dishes masacre and headed to her friends house to spend the night. Shes still there, so I should probably call and see when shes coming home.

A few of the boys hanging out and paying the x-box. They have a PS3 so we are constantly going rounds about who has the best

I went and rode Grand this afternoon. I made the mistake of taking the flash off of her bridle and she was an absolute brat. You can bet its going back on her bridle tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow morning so Im going to try to make the time to ride at some point.

Huneys going to bring the Chrsitmas stuff in soon so Im going to run the vaccum and get ready to put the tree up. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Remember... alories dont count on Thanksgiving!

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