Monday, November 22, 2010

Im cold

I have been cold since Saturday when I had to work in the rain all morning.Im not complaining though because it was just me and s.n.c and the horses all morning. It was very very peaceful, and we got a lot done.Huney just turned on the furnace for the first time since last winter and you can smell the dust in the air.Hopefully It will take the chill out of the air soon!

I have Nothing done for Thursday. I havent done any of the shopping and I have to work every day this week. WOOPS!Oh well. I will get it done somehow. Probably tomorrow night when I get off work at 9 or so.Wednesday when I get home from work I will get the house clean so thats out of the way...

My lovely friend Judy lent me a book tonight that I am dying to read. I am tired so I will shower and then climb into bed with it. Since I am glutten for punishment, I will pick up the lovely Stephen King novel she lent me instead of Coal Miners daughter..

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